Sounds (B.e.4)


Diegetic -the sounds  that was recorded while filming , allows audience to focus on character development. Ex: surround so that already exist in the area. 

non-diegetic- sound that is added during post productions. increasing suspense. Ex: violin getting sharps to create a mysterious affect. Rocky: Diegetic & Non Diegetic sound 



 voiceover- dialogue that is said by a character that isn't seen or noticed.  gives insight to what is to  occur from a outer perspective on what is occurring. Ex: Non seeable character speaking about the plot  




 ambient sound - background noise to help create a feel of a place or to help express where something is taking place. Ex:Rain forest erry buzzing.Ambient Sound in Film 




Foley: relating to or concerned with the addition of recorded sound effects after the shooting of a film. Its used to create an artificial sound to match to an image. Ex: coconuts tapping to imitate horse stepping. 

