Blog entry 2 (10/9/2022)

 1. What you did to prepare for creating your first video

I had to get my cat , set up some lighting and gets some cat treats.

2. What software did you use for editing. What are the limitations and benefits of the software you used.

Canva, for the assignment the most we needed to do at the time was edit words that talked about what each role of the cast and what they contributed to the video. Thus at the time the software worked well.

3. What hardware (camera/phone) did you use to create your video. What are the limitations and benefits to the hardware you used.

iPhone 11 back camera , the benefits would be the accessibility and the variety of the function. The negatives is the inability to understand how to use the camera because i have never used the camera seriously i lack the knowledge to uses the camera to its fullest potential. This means in my case a negative is a user flaw.
