c haracter 1 Monkey Murderer • Name: Monkey/Chimpanzee Role in the Film: Murders scientists Present and describe what is he/she wearing and why. Was the costume essential to telling the story? Explain why or why not: The character in the film is wearing all black (black tank top and black pants). The movie's protagonist is dressed entirely in black (black tank top and black pants). Although black symbolizes evil and the other characters wear white to signify the victims and purity from the crime, the outfit was crucial to effectively telling the story. • Photographs of the actor (if you can get them to agree to a picture, but you could use a still shot from the video): • Why have you chosen that actor? Explain: Due to His flexibility and physical fitness, this artist offered to take on the role. • Why is he/she suitable for your genre and audience? Explain. Because of his ability to maintain character and portray very real...